Who is waiting for you to fulfill your Purpose? Moving Towards Your Purpose In Spite of the Fear.

Every day, I get to speak with people who want to improve their lives by finding their next career opportunity. Often these conversations gravitate into them sharing their dreams and their fears of those obstacles that keep them from accomplishing their goals. I am always humbled that they would share intimate details usually shared only with close confidants. I am also amazed that many of them don't recognize their own genius or don’t move forward with their goals due to multiple reasons; usually, all based on fear. If this is your story or something similar, then this post is for you. What do you believe or what do you tell yourself that is keeping you from your purpose or those things that you were created to do? What did you fail to accomplish in 2018 or previous years that while it is your “dream” or “calling” you never got around to doing it because you were afraid? What voices are telling you that you can’t do it; it’s...