Every Day Offers a New Opportunity. Choose Life.

"Today is the first day of the rest of your life." - Abbie Hoffman As I pondered this quote, I felt that something in addition should be added. "Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Choose Accordingly." Every day is precious and brings us closer to our transition from this life. While this thought may make some uncomfortable, it is a fact that cannot be denied. I realized this more fully in 2009 after my father transitioned. (I referenced the word “transitioned” versus “died (ceased to live)” because I believe that this life is only a small part of our eternal existence). After my father’s transition, I became acutely aware of my own mortality. I realized that my own time on earth is short. I made the conscious decision that I would live my life more fully and intentional. I also decided that I would not live a life of regrets or at the end of my time on earth that I would regret not doing something. I have to live at my maximum...