Welcome to the NetKiEnt Inspiration Blog!

As I sit here and begin my first entry into this post, I realize that the true reason why I even started this blog was to authentically share and encourage my readers. This blog actually originated back in 2007 on one of my earlier websites.  It wasn't named NetKiEnt Inspiration, but the goal has always been the same; to inspire and help motivate others to fulfill their purpose in life. Over the years, as web companies changed, I became busy, focused on my management career or other interests, the blog fell by the wayside  However, I kept a copy of most of my posts, of which I will share from time to time. Even though the blog fell by the wayside, I never stopped writing. Pursuing my business, writing, speaking and helping others pursue their purpose helps me fulfill my purpose.

About Me.

I should start first by introducing myself. My name is Nanette Kirk, my company is NetKi Enterprises, LLC. We specialize in professional resume writing/career services and motivational products, seminars and workshops. I am also a published author of a fiction novel, called Familiar Strangers, Changing Faces available on Lulu.com and Amazon.com.  I'm currently finishing up my 2nd novel called When Do I Get to the Good Part? (a sample chapter of both books can be found here)  I've always wanted to write ever since I was a young child which made going into the resume writing business something that made sense.

I am currently single (I've been divorced for many years).  I'll share that story one day.  I don't have any children, but do enjoy them immensely. I'm based out of Maryland but born and raised in the mid-west, Indianapolis, IN.  Raised in church, I developed a strong faith in God early in life. As a result, many of my posts, videos and articles mention Him or faith.

My Journey to Discovering the Truth additional blog

I believe that Jesus Christ was born, died and resurrected as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. Frustrated with what appeared to be the "me" gospel where everything preachers taught was about "how great I am," "what's in it for me?" or "prosperity focused" preaching, It felt empty and opposite of the gospel that was taught in the Bible. About three years ago, fueled with my discontent, I began to seek the truth as I also found that there seemed to be many contradictions in the bible. So I asked God to uncover the Truth and true to who He is, He answered. I began to realize truths that were always in Scripture right before my eyes. I am capturing that journey in a separate blog titled My Journey Discovering the Truth on Wordpress. If you are easily offended, or never questioned some of the contradictions in the bible, this "journey" blog may not be for you. However, if you want to discover the truth, no matter where it takes you, I invite you to share in my journey. Some of my findings are surprising and controversial but very true. I offer supporting scripture, scientific and historical facts.

More on this blog, It's about purpose!

This blog, The NetKiEnt Inspiration blog has grown into a brand that includes a NetKiEnt Inspiration YouTube Channel and several sub-brands;

  • The Today Chronicles; a burst of encouragement for those pursuing their purpose.  
  • Sisters Working In Purpose; Stories of everyday sisters who took a risk to pursue their purpose. 
  • Moving In Faith Towards My Purpose: A movement to focus on having faith as we move together towards our purpose. Hebrews 11:6 as our foundation verse. 
  • No Fear Movement: Moving forward without worry or fear of anything going on around us. The premise is to keeping in prayer and having faith in God. 
  • NetKiEnt Conversations:  Is a podcast that is scheduled to premiere in September that covers topics that are designed to motivate and encourage.  

How can I help you fulfill your purpose? 

As you can see Purpose is the consistent theme and which is why NetKiEnt exists.  What is your purpose?  Are you working in your purpose? If not, why not?  How can I help you get there or how can I encourage you?  

This blog is dedicated to making our lives better one post at a time.  I look forward to getting to know you!


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