A New Beginning! (Repost from September, 2012 - original 2007 - edited)

As the month of September draws to a close, it is time to be reminded of what has transpired in 2017 to this point.

Was the beginning of the year hopeful for you when you explored all of the wonderful possibilities that the year would bring? Did you energetically charge full steam ahead in targeting your goals? Did the middle of the year make your dreams wane a little or did it plant a seed for what you hoped for in January?

The 2nd quarter of the year brings spring and perhaps a fresh perspective. The 3rd quarter inevitably brings planning and preparation for the last part of the year, the 4th quarter; the time when your goals and dreams will be realized if you consistently work towards them.

Now as we embark toward the end of the year, does it seem a little disappointing because the fervor and excitement at the beginning of the year have somewhat diminished? Maybe during the middle of the year, those hopes seemed very distant and unreachable for you. It could be because of uncontrollable events that occurred or simply because the goals from January were nestled beneath all of the other "to do" lists you've made in your busy life. Let me encourage you. It's not too late to reach for the stars!

Take this final quarter of 2017 and revisit those dreams that you envisioned in January. It's not too late to wipe the dust from them, polish them up and do what it takes to make it happen. I want to encourage each of you that the best is yet to come. No matter what happened throughout the year that may have disappointed or frustrated you, you can not allow it to be the fodder that makes you quit. Get up and go after it! Remember the one thing that makes victory so sweet is the journey getting there. I am keeping each of you in my prayers.

Stay encouraged and create your reality! Your destiny is what you make it. The best is yet to come! 

Need more inspiration and encouragement!  Check out the NetKiEnt Inspiration Channel on YouTube!



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