One of My Favorite Reads that Helps To Ignore The "Haters"

One of my favorite quotes is from an appearance of Bishop Jakes on Oprah's LifeClass in 2014; "We eat from the level of our vision. When you are a giraffe and get criticism from turtles, they are reporting from the level they are. When you are built to be tall (like the giraffe), you will endanger your position if you lower your perspective, you cannot explain to a turtle a giraffe decision." The thought is that both a giraffe and a turtle are in the same jungle. However, a giraffe eats and operates from a level at the top of trees; his span of vision. A turtle, on the other hand, can be in the same space of the giraffe, but because of his vantage point, he eats and operates at the ground level. So while both are in the same jungle, they have a different vision of what's available in the jungle; such for us in life.
Is that powerful or what?! Are you a giraffe or a turtle? From what vantage point will you propel from?
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